Call Today (918) 251-ROOF
Tulsa roofer
If you are here you either have roof damage or you want to know what to do in case you get roof damage. While we hope it is the latter if you indeed have roof damage we are here to help! Being a Tulsa roofing pro since 2000 we have seen everything from the best to the worst and have built a system to get your home back up and running as quickly as possible.
Over the years weve noticed that most of our clients thought of roof damage as a major hole in the ceiling or as we like to call it the skylight you did not order . Yes, that is indeed roof damage, but barring a major weather storm or flying debris that is not what is causing the majority of the roof damage that we fix. A lot of roof damage is caused gradually. It may start with a missing shingle here or there that compromises the integrity of your roof. While there should be felt or fiberglass layer underneath those shingles it will not keep the water out indefinitely. On top of that, the constant flow of water can eventually form mold or mildew in damp areas. If you want to be proactive of course schedule a roof inspection, but you can also periodically take a walk around your property and see if you spot any missing shingles. Depending on the shape of your roof you might be able to see them from the ground level as well. In addition, if you are daring and not afraid of heights you can take a walk on your roof as well, but be careful.
Next, is hail. This is kind of a double edge sword. While your roof is built to take a beating it doesnt do well when it comes to hail. Hail comes in many shapes and sizes, but anything that is quarter-sized or larger is where you will experience the most roof damage. Hail will compromise your roof and cause it to wear down prematurely by penetrating the roofing layers starting with your shingles. You might have seen or even experienced hail storms that have broken out car windows or damaged your home's siding. That normally occurs with a golf ball or baseball size, but hail, in general, is nothing to take lightly.
There are many other ways your roof can get damaged here in Oklahoma, but if your roof is older than 10 years and you have not had a roof inspection contact us today. If you think you have roof damaged, contact us today. AND if you just want to be sure, contact us today and schedule a roof inspection!